Mobile Pixels

Affiliate Program

Earn up to 7% - 10% commission by promoting the Mobile Pixels portable monitors for laptops.

Get Started

About the affiliate program

Our affiliate program is perfect for individuals, brands, influencers, content creators, and publishers with an online following or strong website traffic that wish to promote the Mobile Pixels portable monitor in exchange for a great commission rate and high conversions.

Why our publishers love us

Affiliates earn a generous commission rate on sales referred to Mobile Pixels. We have tremendous market potential due to the diversity of the work scenario.

Free shipping

7% - 10% commission

30-day cookie

Free shipping to US

Offer extra discount code

Full Data feed availability

Great for

  • Publishers
  • Content creators
  • Influencers
  • Cashback and loyalty
  • Dicount and coupon
  • Directory

Not for

  • SEO
  • TM+ bidding
  • Media consultant

Which program is the best fit for you?

Brand Influencer
Affiliate Influencer
Referral Program
I'm a content certified macro-influencers


I utilize coupons as part of a promotiona strategy




I am a professional conent producer and work for upfront fees or product


I am just starting out as an influencer


I love Mobile Pixels portable monitor and want to spread the love to my friends and family



The Mobile Pixels affiliate program is designed to reward publishers and creators for marketing to their audiences. The program was not designed for digital marketers.

We encourage affiliates to use generic keywords in their search engine optimization. However, affiliates may not use our trademark name, our domain name or misspellings or variations of these, such as Mobile Pixels, Trio, Trio Max, Duex Plus, Duex Lite, Duex Max, Glance Pro, or any other related keywords or strategies.